
Sustainable Finance Report: Money Sweetspot as the new social lender

November 9, 2022

Money Sweetspot are part of the Toitū Tāhua Sustainable Finance eco-system and we were recently asked to comment on the State of Sustainable Finance in Aotearoa, and particularly progress made in relation to Recommendation 8. Transforming the financial system: Inclusiveness,  in the 2030 Roadmap.

We believe that whilst progress has been made, there is much more to do, and progress will be faster if we do it together- collaboration over competition.

Our CEO Sasha says "People are good, and bad things can happen to any of us. The current financial system judges people for what life inherently is, unpredictable. We need to do better. We need to bring the human back to the centre of our financial system."

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Money Sweetspot provides financial reset debt consolidation loans to help you take charge of your financial life, reduce debts and get on with living.

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